Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory

Welcome to Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church

Mass times:

Saturdays 4:30 p.m.

Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.


 Message from Father Alan

We welcome a new ACC youth minister this week from each parish!  They are Azucena Rojas from St. Leonard, Allison (Alli) Neuleib from St. Elizabeth, and Kelly Arntson at Our Lady of Victory.  Each of them is a young parent invested in the future of our youth programs and each has previously been a part of our parish faith formation for children and youth.  Azucena will be more focused on the youth of St. Leonard, and Kelly and Alli will work together for St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of Victory.   They bring a lot of faith, love, experience and energy to our youth ministry and will also be facilitating our ACC collaboration with YOUNG LIFE. I’m sure we will be hearing from them soon.  Please reach out to welcome them and let them know if you would like to become involved and help out!  (For their pictures and a little more biography please check the Summer edition of The Journey.  Blessing’s     Fr. Alan




¡Damos la bienvenida a un nuevo ministro juvenil de ACC esta semana de cada parroquia!  Ellas son Azucena Rojas de St. Leonard, Allison (Alli) Neuleib de St. Elizabeth y Kelly Arntson de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria.  Cada uno de ellos es un padre joven que invierte en el futuro de nuestros programas juveniles y cada uno ha sido previamente parte de nuestra formación en la fe parroquial para niños y jóvenes.  Azucena se enfocará más en los jóvenes de San Leonardo, y Kelly y Alli trabajarán juntas para Santa Isabel y Nuestra Señora de la Victoria.   Ellos aportan mucha fe, amor, experiencia y energía a nuestro ministerio juvenil y también facilitarán nuestra colaboración de ACC con YOUNG LIFE. Estoy seguro de que pronto tendremos noticias de ellos.  ¡Comunícate con ellos para darles la bienvenida y hazles saber si te gustaría involucrarte y ayudar!  (Para ver sus fotos y un poco más de biografía, consulte la edición de verano de The Journey.  Bendición del  P. Alan


Download myParish for your mobile device from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android)

To access your MSP account (update you profile, indicate the days you cannot serve, check your schedule, etc.) click the above image

Are you interested in learning more about

the Catholic Faith? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which unbaptized and baptized adults of other faiths are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Contact Fr. Alan for more information at fatheralan@ffolvchurch.org

or 218-736-2429 ext. 12


I nspired by Mary, 

N ourished by Word and Sacrament, 

R ejoicing in the Lord, and 

I gnited by the Spirit 


We are sent to love and serve, as we journey toward the Kingdom! 

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

July 14, 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
July 7, 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]

Contact Us

Our Lady of Victory Church

207 North Vine Street

Fergus Falls, MN 56537


Phone: 218 736-2429 or contact@ffolvchurch.org

Parish School/Preschool

Our Lady of Victory School is more than just an educational institution.  Our school is an environment where active learning takes place as students learn about the world and themselves. Our faculty’s educational expertise and personal dedication are key to our culture of mutual respect and cooperation.  Please click here for more information:  



Our Lady of Victory Catholic School is accepting applications for a Full-time 6th-grade Teacher starting August 2024. OLV School has a supportive staff that creates a positive work environment. Class size averages 15 students per class. Successful candidates are able to demonstrate classroom management skills, work as part of a team, live out Christian values, and hold each child as an amazing gift from God to be cherished and helped to grow in their knowledge and faith.  Candidates need a current MN 1-6 teaching license. 

Applications can be emailed to Jake Raths, OLV School Principal, at jraths@ffolv.org. Applications are available on our website ffolvschool.org. Please include your resume, cover letter, and 3 letters of recommendation.

Registration continues at OLV for students entering Preschool through sixth grade. Registration information can be found on the school's website. You can also call the school office with any question.


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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church